Tag Archives: mind

What’s On Your Mind

bloomingideascartoonEverything, good or bad, begins as a thought. A tiny seed in your mind that gets fertilized and grows as a result of what you continually think about, look at, consume, and hear. Monitor what you allow to infiltrate your senses. Feed the beauty. Intentionally think good thoughts. Be specific in what you think. Your thoughts dictate your words, and your words dictate your actions. Train your thoughts to feed the beauty of you, your life, your surroundings, and the world, and your words and actions will follow suit. Pump positivity, power, life, light, and beauty into your mind, your eyes, and your ears.

You have the Mind of Christ! You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength. And because you were made in the likeness of God, you are a creator. Create beauty! Banish the beast.

Many Blessings,

The Blooms In Your Mind


Intentionally nurturing the ideas that bloom in your mind can open an entire new world of possibilities.

For over 12 years I’ve been a technical writer, so it is very natural and easy for me to enhance that existing talent. It’s safe; however, to step out and try something new and be willing to admit that I don’t do it well and be willing to fail is courage. 2009 has been a year of new beginnings for me. I’ve done so many things this year that I either thought were impossible for me to do or that I thought were not relevant to the goals in my life, but turns out that they were, for example blogging, writing articles, teaching Yoga, and drawing.

It’s all about blossoming ideas. When ideas bloom in our heads we can either ignore those blooms or nurture them. In prior years, in a different economy, and a different mind set, I ignored blooming ideas…especially ideas about any other type of writing that wasn’t technical. I had become comfortable in the usual, typical, and the stable. This year, God took me out of that comfort zone and grew my spirit and my mind.

I want to encourage you that when ideas bloom in your mind, nurture them, listen to them, research them, try them, and practice them. The Internet brings a myriad of resources to us without us needing to leave our homes or spend money. Don’t do like I did and get complacent, lazy, and content. I’m glad that God finally knocked me upside of my head, so that I could pay attention to the blooms in my mind.

Don’t panic when you get the vision, but not the specific ideas. It’ll come. Sometimes the visions are just seeds to bloom the idea. Keep praying, believing, and moving. Now is the time to entertain new ideas, extend your bed of knowledge, and enhance existing ideas. The only bad idea is one that doesn’t get tried.

Many blessings,

© 2009 KaTrina Love Abram

Writing and Yoga

author03Writing and Yoga

It takes courage, discipline, and perseverance to write. As I write, there is a duplicitous, imaginary critic peering over my shoulder chastising me for using the wrong grammar, not rewriting immediately, and any number of other things. We are encouraged to block out that inner critic, but to no avail. That inner critic hates that I stifle it and summon it whimsically.

Yesterday, I read an article by  Jen Grisanti entitled Writing and Yoga. When I first read this article I was floored because I am a Yoga fanatic. After I thought about it, since I’ve been practicing and teaching Yoga, I haven’t fought with my inner critic. I don’t beat the critic away with a stick to concentrate. That critic is tucked away until I summon it. And I cannot pinpoint the day that I took control over my inner critic instead of my inner critic controlling me, but I know that Yoga was an accomplice.

Tree Pose

Yoga helps me in so many ways that I cannot list them all. Yoga and writing go hand-in-hand. When I practice Yoga, I focus, concentrate, and center. Yoga is a mental exercise in self and body awareness and balance. Through breathing (prayana), the body and mind connect, and this state-of-mind does not go away after my practice is complete. Sun Salutations stimulate and warm the body (among other things) and balancing poses, such as Eagle, Warrior III, and Tree Poses, help you to balance, focus, and be in the moment. Balance is very important in Yoga. For every pose (asana) there is a counter pose. If you do something on the right, you must do it on the left too. Focusing and balancing help me to grab one thought at a time, deal with it, and move on to the next thought. I reach inside of myself and literally pull my creativity out, mentally, as I am meditating after Yoga.

So when I sit down to write, my creativity is stimulated, alive, and vibrant,100_2534 (2) coaxing confidence. I can focus on one thought at a time, I’m peaceful and calm, and my mind is lucid. I accept where I am at the moment and embrace my limitations. I am patient with myself. This focusing, balance, acceptance, and patience blankets me as I sit at my keyboard and escape into my plot, allowing my characters to live and breath through my fingers.

If you are a writer, embracing Yoga can enhance your  creativity and writing as well as your mental, physical, and emotional dexterity. I would love a Yoga/Writer retreat.

Namaste & Happy Writing,

© 2009 KaTrina Love Abram

Daily Inspiration 09/01/09

happyb4workDetermine Your Day in the Morning

What is your first thought each morning? What is the first thing you do each morning? Did you know that Satan is really, really busy in the mornings trying to set the tone for your day. You must beat him to the punch.

depressed01In the early years of this millineum, I dealt with the worse demon that I’ve ever dealt with, depression. Each morning that  demon took over, making it difficult for me to see God or anything good about myself or my life. I woke up each morning looking forward to the time of the day that I could get back in the bed and close my mind in slumber. My first thoughts of the day were of worthlessness, doom, fatigue, helplessness, and fear.

And then one day, God stepped in, and I learned that I didn’t have to listen to Satan’s voice…that I’d chosen to listen to Satan’s voice instead of God’s. I was surprised that I had a choice. Every since then, I wake up in the morning ready to call Satan a liar. My first thoughts of the morning are not on myself, my husband, my business, or my agenda; instead, my first thoughts are of God and His greatness. I thank Him for waking me up, and invite Him to give me His thoughts.

praisingGod02Every morning I say aloud some empowering affirmations. In these affirmations, I am repeating God’s words and reiterating to myself who I am. These are powerful, positive statements that unleash affable actions of self-expression and great expectations for the day, for example: “I am a victor, not a victim. God inspires me. I attract peace, love, and joy. This is going to be a great day!” If you tell yourself when you first wake up that today is going to be a great day, you are setting in motion your actions for the day, painting your environment for the day, and taking control of your life. You must believe that it is going to be a good day no matter what. If you tell yourself first thing in the morning that “something good will happen to you today”, you will look for the good in everything. Positive, empowered, joyful living starts in your mind, takes action through your words, and burrows into your heart. It is a practiced state.

Determine yourself how your day is going to go each morning. Wake up with God on your mind and praise on your lips. Know that each day is a new day full of new favor, grace, mercy, and opportunities. Praise God!

Many Blessings,

No Worries

No Worries!

Creflo Dollar

Contrary to what some may believe, worry is not a harmless emotion you can afford to entertain in your life. Worry is a form of fear that will subtly find its way into your mind, will, and emotions, causing you to make decisions that areworrystressedwoman not faith-based. When your mind is constantly bombarded with concerns, cares, and fear-based thoughts, your faith is paralyzed and you put yourself in a position to see the things you don’t want to happen to come to pass. I believe it is time for a complete overhaul in this area of our thinking, particularly in the times in which we live. Just like faith comes by hearing the Word of God, worry comes by hearing and receiving words that contradict the Word. It is not God’s will for you to worry about anything.

Second Timothy 1:7 lets us know fear is a spirit that does not come from God. Therefore, any form of fear, including worry, is unnatural and should not be tolerated on any level. Allowing fearful and anxious thoughts to take up residence in your mind opens the door for that spirit to invade every area of your life. Often, what starts out as a small concern can balloon into a full-blown fear that you never had before. Keep in mind fear has a sibling called torment. This is why fear is connected with a nagging sense of unrest. Fearful people worry and generally find very little peace. This is a clear sign of the enemy’s torment.

You may have a million things on your plate, from managing your finances and resources, to situations on the job, but Jesus said not to worry about any of them: Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they? Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?…Take therefore not thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof” (Matthew 6:25-34).

According to Jesus, there is no increase that comes from worry. In other words, it has absolutely no benefit in your life, will it change the situation. The only guarantee is negative results. The principle of meditation is, whatever you meditate on will take root in your heart and those dominant thoughts will eventually come to pass. When you worry, you are essentially supporting Satan’s plans for your life and allowing him entry.

blkwmnprayingYou may be wondering how you can stop worrying once and for all. The answer is simple; first, begin filling your mind and heart with the Word of God. Second, meditate on positive things and favorable outcomes rather than negative things that may not happen. Focus on God’s love for you and trust in the covenant of peace, protection, and wholeness He has made with you. The Word alone is what will give you confidence in God’s love, ability, and provision in your life.

As Believers, we have authority over fear. When troublesome thoughts come, open your mouth and declare the Word of God with boldness. Give the devil something to worry about by showing him his fear tactics are no longer effective in your life!

Be sure to visit our online bookstore and order one of the many life-changing teachings available there to help you overcome fear, doubt, and worry. Begin walking in God’s covenant of peace today!

Scripture References:
2 Timothy 1:7
Matthew 6:25-34